Are you looking for help to treat vitamin Deficiency?

Our Australian board-certified doctors are here to assist in treating specific vitamins deficiency in your body.

Vitamin Defficiency

What is Vitamin Deficiency?

When you don’t take vitamins in required amounts for a prolonged period of time, vitamin deficiency occurs. Inadequate intake of vitamins makes the person ill. Certain vitamins like Vitamin A,B,C,D and K if not taken in required quantities lead to several Physical disorders. Most common effects are loss of vision, stunted growth, decreased muscle strength, skin problems.The major symptoms that your body shows if you are vitamin deficient are loss of body weight, laziness, pale skin, frail nails and hair.Vitamins are although required to body in very small quantity but are essential.

How Can We Help You To Treat Vitamin Deficiency?

  • Consultation with Telehealth doctors allows them to understand symptoms and underlying causes.

  • Doctors can help you in a dietary modification to meet your deficiencies

  • Experts can help in prescribing medications like vitamin supplements to cover up it.

  • Healthcare professionals provide prescriptions and medical certificates for your needs.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Certain vitamins like Vitamin D, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential for the growth and strength of hair. The person having hair loss might have an insufficiency of these essential vitamins. Their deficiency becomes a reason for the dryness, weakening, thinning, balding spots, fragility and eventually breaking of hair. Loss of hair is the major reason for vitamin deficiency in the body.

Vitamin D is manufactured by the skin when it is exposed to the light of the Sun. If an individual is having deficient amounts of Vitamin D, it could be because of:

  • Not having enough exposure to sunlight 
  • Use of some medications disrupt Vitamin D absorption in the body
  • Darker tones of skin 
  • Obesity 
  • Inadequate intake of vitamin D 
  • Issues with the liver and kidneys.

According to some researchers the deficiency of Vitamin B12 can be a sign of cancer. The cancer which can possibly develop due to the deficiency of Vitamin B12 are:

  • Leukemia (blood cancer)
  • Gastrointestinal cancer (stomach, small intestine, pancreatic, colon and rectum cancer)
  • Lymphoma (lymphatic system cancer)

Vitamin D is essential for the absorption of calcium in the body which is required for healthy bones and teeth, the deficiency of this vitamin mostly causes skeletal and muscle problems like:

  • Rickets (bone softening in children)
  • Osteoporosis (weak bones)
  • Osteomalacia (bone softening in adults)
  • Osteopenia (low bone density)
  • Muscle weakness 

Most commonly deficiency of Vitamin B12 is considered to be associated with the feeling of cold. It is because Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. This oxygen is utilized in metabolic processes to produce heat and regulate body temperature.

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