Do you need treatment for asthma flare-ups?

Our Australian board-certified doctors are here to give you the care you and your loved ones deserve.


What is asthma?

Asthma is a chronic condition which makes your airways narrow and it becomes difficult for you to breathe. This happens because of inflammation, muscle tightening around the airways, and excessive mucus production. Treatment depends on how severe the symptoms are, your age, and other personal factors.

Asthma has several potential triggers, including:

Environment triggers (dust, pollen, pollution, mould, smoke, pets, etc)

Physical triggers (exercise, respiratory infections, food allergies, medications, etc.)

Psychological triggers (stress, anxiety, panic episodes, etc).

What are the common barriers to asthma treatment?

Some common barriers can affect your asthma management and potentially prolong the symptoms. These include

  • Difficulty identifying potential triggers and getting exposure to irritants frequently

  • Lack of asthma awareness

  • Improper use of inhalers, due to which the medication does not reach the airways and breathlessness persists

  • Not having an effective care plan to manage the symptoms actively

  • Being stressed about the condition and not taking the necessary steps

Telehealth dr Australia

Why Telehealth Doctor is the right choice for your asthma treatment:

Telehealth doctor is the right choice for asthma management as our Australian-registered doctors are experts in managing asthma flare-ups effectively.

Our providers understand how each individual is different and requires unique care. They take a complete assessment to get to know you better, including your symptoms, triggers, treatment barriers, and lifestyle patterns. Our experts will:

  • Write prescriptions/e-scripts to help you get started on the medication you need

  • Create a personalised care plan

  • Help you identify potential triggers

  • Guide you in the best ways to prevent asthma flare-ups

  • Help you understand the proper use of inhalers to make the most out of them

  • Encourage you mentally to help you reach your treatment goals

  • Provide follow-up appointments to keep track of your symptoms

  • Issue an online medical certificate for your condition

Want expert help to manage your asthma better?

You can book an appointment today with one of our experts and work with them to ensure effective asthma management. Asthma can feel incredibly restrictive, making everyday activities feel like a struggle. It can be frustrating and even emotionally draining.

However, with the right doctor and a good care plan, you can take control of your asthma and lead a more active and healthy life without constantly being held back by your symptoms.

Why does asthma require long-term management?

Asthma requires long-term management because it’s a chronic condition and several factors can influence asthma attacks. This condition obstructs your airways and breathlessness can result in less oxygen getting supplied to your body – which is why asthma management is crucial and should never be neglected.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Asthma can be caused by genetic factors, allergies, and some respiratory conditions. This condition might not be persistent in some cases and it gets triggered when a potential irritant enters your body. Some common triggers include pollen, dust, mites, smoke, exercise, etc.

People with asthma might have trouble breathing, wheezing, coughing, or feeling tightness in the chest. They might also have extra mucus. The most common problem is shortness of breath.

See a doctor if you have symptoms like trouble breathing, wheezing, or coughing. Asthma is a long-term condition that needs the right treatment to prevent serious problems. A doctor can diagnose this condition and suggest the best medications or inhalers to help you with your symptoms.

Asthma can be managed with the right medicines and by avoiding triggers. Bronchodilators are commonly used to open your airways during an asthma episode to help you breathe properly. Besides bronchodilators, anti-inflammatory medications are also used to prevent the release of allergy mediators that trigger the symptoms of asthma. Some additional therapies may also be suggested according to the severity and frequency of asthma attacks.

You might not be able to prevent asthma if you’re genetically predisposed to it but you can certainly avoid asthma attacks once your condition is managed. A lot of things can trigger asthma, including the environment. Some people have worse symptoms during the pollen season. Once you know your triggers, you can avoid them and take your medications as your doctor advised to keep asthma under control.

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