Are you looking for gout treatment?

Our Australian board-certified doctors are here to give you the care you and your loved ones deserve.


What is gout?

Gout is a type of arthritis which causes severe pain, stiffness, and inflammation, and can significantly affect the quality of your life. It usually happens due to too much uric acid in your body which gets deposited in your joints and forms sharp painful crystals, also known as uric acid crystals. This causes a lot of pain which can last weeks.

Gout usually occurs in big toes but can also affect your knees, elbows, wrists, and ankles. Gout has several risk factors and your diet can have a major impact on the frequency of flare-ups.

How can we help?

We offer:

  • Consultation on Telehealth that is accessible from anywhere in Australia

  • Detailed assessment to understand your symptoms, medical and family history, diet pattern, and lifestyle.

  • Trusted medical advice that is specific to your needs

  • Instant online prescription to get your treatment started right away

  • Online medical certificate for your condition

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Frequently Asked Questions

The main cause of gout is excess uric acid amounts in your body. This uric acid can start forming painful crystals in your joints that put pressure on your bones and cause severe pain, stiffness, and inflammation. This happens if your body makes too much uric acid or your kidneys fail to remove it properly. Some people can be more sensitive to gout due to their poor diet and lifestyle.

It is possible to prevent gout by having a normal amount of uric acid in your body. It is also important to avoid eating foods that can increase uric acid production. If you are at risk of high uric acid levels or you have a health condition that makes it difficult for your kidneys to remove waste products effectively, you should take precautions. You should also check uric acid levels to make sure that they are within the normal range (3.5 to 7.2 mg/dL).

Foods such as high-sugar foods, alcohol, certain types of seafood (codfish, mussels, etc), and too much red meat can trigger an episode of gout or make it worse. This is because these foods can increase the production of uric acid in your body which is solely responsible for causing the symptoms of gout.

Gout can be treated with medications and suitable lifestyle changes. The treatment can vary as different people can have different triggers. The common aim of gout treatment is to reduce inflammation and pain which are the most uncomfortable symptoms. It is also important to manage uric acid levels to prevent further crystal formation and control disease progression effectively.

Gout is not generally considered a life-threatening condition but it can severely affect your joints and leave life-long symptoms. It can lead to permanent deformity of joints and movement restriction. Leading a painful lifestyle can also trigger symptoms of depression.

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