Are You Looking for Help to Treat Psoriasis?

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What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that causes the skin cells to grow very fast and causes dry, cracked skin, joint pain, and scaly patches on it. Most of it occurs in the knee, foot, elbow, trunk, and scalp areas of the body.They are classified on the basis of location , underlying cause and severity such as Plaque, Nail Erythrodermic psoriasis etc .

The exact cause of psoriasis is not known as it is caused by an overactive immune system, the immune system may be triggered by environmental factors like infection, stress, medications, etc.

How can we help you treat Psoriasis?

  • Virtual consultation with expert doctors allows assessment of skin symptoms and making treatment plans.

  • Doctors help identify triggers of psoriasis and how to manage it effectively.

  • Focus on effective treatment through diet, skincare, trigger control, and proper hygiene.

  • Experienced healthcare professionals provide medical certificates and prescriptions for ongoing treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

No, it is not contagious. It is an autoimmune disease and doesn’t spread from person to person.

Unfortunately, psoriasis cannot be prevented but it can be managed by lifestyle modification, proper skin care, external environment, and hygiene and by obtaining professional help from dermatologists and doctors.

Symptoms vary from person to person and type of psoriasis but most commonly it appears with itchy, burning skin, joint pain, thickened nails, and scaly patches of skin.

Dermatologists diagnose psoriasis through physical examination, sometimes biopsy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

Seek professional help if you suspect you may have psoriasis:
1. Severe pain and discomfort
2. Medications or previous are not comforting
3. Sudden changes in your skin area

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