Are you looking for help to treat COPD?

Connect with an AHPRA-Registered Doctor in minutes! Get personalized care from the comfort of your home.


What is COPD ?

COPD, also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, is basically a group of lung conditions that damages the air passageway or lungs making it difficult to breathe for an individual. Excessive production of mucus and emphysema (destruction of lungs tissues) produce shortness of breath, whistling sound, barrel shaped chest and bluish skin in affected persons. Initially symptoms are mild but get worse as time passes. Serious conditions may disturb your daily life activities such as running or cooking meals. Middle aged and older adults who smoke are at higher risk to get it as smoking is a major cause of COPD

How Telehealth Doctors Help You to Treat COPD?

  • Virtual consultation helps doctors in evaluating signs, symptoms, and underlying causes.

  • Appointments are available all across Australia.

  • Experts review medical history and suggest breathing exercises for lung function improvement.

  • Treatments like inhalers and steroids can be suggested based on symptom severity.

  • Lifestyle advice includes quitting smoking and improving diet to prevent COPD.

  • Medical prescription letters or scripts are provided for medications and further care.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You may contact us when you experience following symptoms
Persistent cough
A high-pitched whistling sound
Shortness of breath
A feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest

COPD is caused due to certain kinds of Environmental factors such as air pollution , dust and chemical fumes. But the main cause that makes the condition worse is having a smoker

There is no cure for COPD, but quitting smoke, pulmonary rehabilitation,and oxygen therapy can help you to manage signs and symptoms.

If your symptoms such as increased shortness of breath or more frequent coughing are getting worse each day you should go for medication such as inhaler and seek medical help with experienced doctors.You can also take an appointment with Telehealth doctors.

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