Telehealth children's clinic
for best child health care in Australia

Our telehealth experts are here to give your children the medical care they deserve. Focusing on children's health is one of our main goals, and our experts understand how good health is essential for a child's mental and physical growth.

Telehealth hours

Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 6:00PM (Business Hours)
Mon-Fri: 7:30AM - 8:30AM (After Hours)
Mon-Fri: 6:00PM - 11:00PM (After Hours)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 11:00PM (After Hours)
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Why prioritising children’s health needs is important?

It is crucial to prioritise children’s health, especially younger ones who are going through basic physical and mental development. Regular appointments are vital for monitoring a child's well-being and addressing any ongoing symptoms promptly to ensure their safety.

Our Australian doctors are trained to manage conditions related to children and can write online scripts to help your child get the medication they need easily. Our doctors also provide follow-up appointments to keep track of any pre-existing health conditions in children to ensure a healthier future for them.

Common treatment barriers in children

Children have various treatment barriers that need to be resolved to give them the medical care they need. Some barriers include:

  • Lack of awareness about their health needs.
  • Depending on adults for medications and care.
  • Inability to follow health guidelines as they don’t understand why they’re important.
  • Not knowing when they need medical attention.
  • Difficulty explaining their symptoms as they don’t always comprehend what’s happening to them.
  • Exposing themselves to germs through different behavioural patterns, especially younger children - such as putting things in their mouths.

How telehealth doctor supports children's health

Our telehealth doctors are experienced in providing the treatment your child needs. Our experts will:

  • Provide an online appointment from anywhere in Australia
  • Write online scripts to help your child get access to the medication they need.
  • Create health awareness among children.
  • Encourage your child to open up and explain the issues they are having.
  • Provide mental support to help your child achieve their health milestones.
  • Provide an online medical certificate for your child.
  • Take a full assessment to understand the symptoms of your child, potential causes, treatment barriers, and dietary and lifestyle patterns.

Common health conditions in children

Children may experience several physical and mental health conditions that require proper treatment and symptom management. It is estimated that the most common condition among children aged 1–5 is congenital or birth defects, while for children aged 5–14, asthma was observed as the most common condition.

Seasonal colds, allergies, and infections are also common among children of all age groups and can depend on exposure to germs through the environment or diet.

Among mental health conditions, anxiety (including social anxiety), autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and depression are considered more common. These conditions can vary from child to child depending on family background or the conditions in which a child is rais.

Seeking expert help for your child’s wellness?

Book a virtual telehealth appointment today and seek expert consultation for your child from the comfort of your home. Get prescriptions, medical advice, and wellness tips from anywhere in Australia through Telehealth Doctor to ensure your child’s physical and mental well-being.

Read more about Anxiety and Depression

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Get Affordable, Convenient, and High-Quality Healthcare

TelehealthDr provides accessible and affordable healthcare, offering fast and reliable care backed by over 17 years of experience.

Our team of senior GPs is dedicated to delivering safe, effective, and professional care, so you can get the attention you need without leaving the comfort of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of children's health?
Children’s health means their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Good health helps children grow strong, learn new skills, focus on school, play and stay active, take part in outdoor activities, make new friends, etc.
Good food like fruits, vegetables, and milk provides the essential nutrients children need to grow strong and stay healthy. Physical activity, such as playing, running, or any outdoor activity, plays a vital role in their growth. This allows them to grow mentally and reduce stress levels or social isolation among children.
The most common health problems in children are colds, coughs, and allergies. Other issues can include stomach aches or infections like ear infections and fevers. Some children have chronic issues, such as asthma, that require long-term management.
To take care of children, it is important to focus on their physical, mental, and nutritional needs. A child needs proper food (including fruits and vegetables, fibre, protein and healthy fats), hydration, physical activities to stay active, and cognition-boosting games such as puzzles.