Birth control , also known as contraception , refers to different methods used to prevent pregnancy.Many methods including both medical and surgical methods can be used to achieve birth control. They provides women full control over their reproductive system.Now a days women all over the world are commonly using such methods to plan their families as per their wishes.

Birth control is an essential component of women health services which we provide at our platform . Now all women can get birth control prescriptions advised by experts at an affordable rate , and that too from the comfort of their home through telehealth doctor.

Methods of birth control : 

There are various methods like use of medicines , devices and surgeries which can be done for this purpose. Each method has its own benefits and side effects. Some of the methods commonly used , include :

Natural birth control – it includes natural methods like abstinence , withdrawal etc . Although they are very safe , but they don’t provide 100 % effective birth control.

Barrier methods – they include methods where a physical barrier is made between sperm and the uterus , examples include condoms , vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap etc. In addition to providing birth control they also provide protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Hormonal medications- they include pills , patches and rings which release certain hormones in body to prevent pregnancy.This is the most common method used for birth control.

Intrauterine devices – these are special devices which are places inside uterus by a health care professional, they include copper and hormonal IUDs.

Surgical methods- these are permanent methods to prevent pregnancy like tubal ligation and vasectomy.

Hormonal birth control :

Now a days birth control through hormonal medicines is gaining more and more popularity, due to its non invasive and reversible nature.

We offer 3 types of birth control through our online portal :

Pills – these are tablets taken by mouth , composed of proteins called hormones , used to prevent pregnancy.

Types of oral contraceptive pills:

  • combined oral contraceptive pill ( COCP) – containing both estrogen and progesterone
  • Progesterone only pills – containing only progesterone
  • Emergency contraceptive pill ( ECP) – also known as the morning after pill is a type of emergency contraception which can be taken upto 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy.

Patches – these are small sticky patches which one can wear anywhere on the skin , it works by releasing hormones through the skin into the body and these hormones in turn prevent pregnancy.

Rings – these are small flexible rings which are inserted inside vagina , they also work by releasing hormones which prevent pregnancy.

Benefits of birth control 

Birth control not only prevents any unwanted pregnancy but also have additional benefits like

  • Regulation of menstrual cycle
  • treatment of heavy menstrual flow
  • treatment of endometriosis
  • treatment of hormonal acne
  • treatment of excessive hair growth in females.
  • also helps with premenstrual syndrome
  • reduce risk of ovarian and uterine cancers.

Side effects of birth control : 

Like all other medicines , birth control medications may also cause some side effects like,

  • headache
  • nausea
  • irritability
  • breast tenderness
  • abnormal spotting/ bleeding between periods
  • increased risk of clot formation in lungs (pulmonary embolism) and legs (deep venous thrombosis)
  • increased risk of cervical and breast cancers
  • increased risk of stroke and heart attack.


Getting birth control prescription online

Now getting birth control pills is not an issue anymore . You can easily get them from the comfort of your home , just follow these simple steps:

1-visit our website

2- Book an appointment with one of our doctors at a time convenient to you.

3- Make online payment for the consultation and confirm your appointment.

4- On your chosen day of consultation, our doctor will contact you on your given mobile number for your consultation. You can discuss regarding your preferred type of birth control pills and our doctors will also further guide you regarding the pros and cons of various available methods and formulas.

5-After detailed discussion and mutual understanding, our doctor will provide you with a birth control prescription.

6- Your can choose whether you want your prescription sent directly to your mobile via escript (valid HI number or Medicare card number required), which you can present directly to a pharmacy of your choice , or else we can send it directly to your preferred pharmacy for you via email or fax, and the original is posted in the mail.

7- date of your next follow will be decided between you and your doctor during online consultation. We strongly advise follow up even for birth control pills to monitor you for any drug related complication or side effect.

So in short , now to get birth control you don’t have to travel long distances or wait in queue for your appointment , just take out your mobile phone and book your appointment with us . We make sure that we provide patients with a safe space , where confidentiality of patients is given foremost importance. In this way patients feel comfortable to discuss their issues with our experts. So save your time and money and get affordable birth control from telehealth doctor. Our expert doctors are here to guide you regarding the best form of contraception for you. They will not only prescribe you appropriate birth control, but will also keep an eye for any drug related side effect.Once you reach out to us you become our top priority and we make sure that you are completely satisfied with our services. So feel free to contact us at .