You must have been in a situation where you had to rush to see a home member in pain. And your boss would not grant you a leave? That might make you feel terrible. These situations take place when you do not provide authentication to your employer for the leave. Well, under such a quick, you cannot provide your employer with any authentication,

Therefore, you need an instant scripts medical certificate for this purpose. This certificate will help you grant leave within a few minutes, and you can run to see your family member. Our guide is all about these certificates and will discuss in detail what instant script medical certificates are.

Instant script / medical certificates

Instant script medical certificates help you take time off for a family member’s care. These certificates allow you to request a single-day medical certificate for a carer just by sitting at your home. Your carer can then show this doctor’s certificate online at his workplace and reach you as quick as possible.

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Use of telehealth medical certificates

You must be wondering by now how you can access these certificates. Well, if you are in Australia, then you are lucky. People living there can access instant scripts anytime and order them themselves.

Anyone who lives in Australia can have access to Telehealth consultations. However, you must be one year and above for an express script.

Benefits of instant script / medical certificates

A lot of medical certificates are available online. The question here is why you should choose an instant script medical certificate. Well, the answer is simple. These certificates have a lot of benefits which we will discuss below one by one. Let’s get to that.

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First of all, instant medical scripts are safe. You cannot expect any glitches from them.

They can be used anywhere. They are medically and clinically approved. A team of professional telehealth experts manages them.


You might be worried about your data and information while dealing with other medical certificates. Well, you are entirely in safe hands here in instant scripts. These certificates are generated after taking up your personal information, which keeps your info safe and secured. Your data is encrypted, and nobody can go near that.

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Convenience is the most critical and significant factor here while dealing with medical certificates. Imagine if you have to call somebody urgently to get you to the hospital, the medical certificate system gets stuck, or any glitch occurs. You would feel so bad; we can assure you that.

However, instant script medical certificates do not make you go through situations like these. The system works ideally like a laser. You can request a certificate from your home, office or anywhere within a few clicks on the internet. It helps you to manage your health anywhere.


You might have experienced that while waiting for your online medical certificate, you miss getting online medications. Well, this is not the case with instant scripts. You can get drugs as well as wait for your certificate simultaneously. Instant hands ensure that the client’s health stays in place without getting affected by the certificates.

Australian-registered doctors

Instant scripts have a variety of Australian registered doctors. These doctors are specialists in many areas, such as cardiology, paediatrics, anatomy, bones, etc. So do not worry, as all your diseases are sorted out with instant scripts.


Our home service delivery can get your needed medicine no matter where you are in Australia. Instant scripts deal with around 2000+ pharmacies. Therefore, instant hands have got you covered no matter which medication you are looking for.

Extensive range of medications

Doctors at instant scripts can give scripts for around 300 pills. These doctors are specialized in their areas. These medications are quite common and will solve all specific diseases by sitting comfortably and easily at home.

Process of instant scripts certificates

To be more confident while ordering your media certificate, It is essential to know its process. Below, we have explained the process of requesting an online medical certificate. Let us read ahead.

Step no 1

The first step is the most important. It must be completed with extreme care and the presence of the mind. The concerned person requests a medical certificate after a questionnaire. The questionnaire includes questions such as name, history, contact number and the reason for the online medical certificate.

Step no 2

The second step involves the review of the medical questionnaire. In this step, the medical experts review the request through a questionnaire. They will grant you a medical certificate if they find out that your case is severe.

Step no 3

Step no 3 involves the completion of your request. By this time, your request has been reviewed and processed. You will receive your medical certificate in your inbox within a few minutes. That’s how quick the whole process is. No extra wait hours, no calling the customer service. You are ready to get your medical certificate in three easy steps.

Types of instant script medical certificates

By now, we have understood what instant script medical certificates are. Now we shall move forward to the types of certificates you can get online.

Single-day certificate for work single-day off work certificate works well when you get that sudden stomach pain or feel nausea in the morning. This certificate would be certified by an expert doctor. All you have to do is to complete an online form, and after approval by the doctor, you can show it at your workplace. This certificate is given on the same day and date and cannot be changed.

Single-day certificate for school or university

There has been a time when you do not feel like attending that math class or looking at your professor for your business lecture. And how sad it would be that you could not take a day off to deal with your stress. But no, you do not need to worry as an instant script medical certificate covers you.

All you have to do is to complete an online survey. Our medical experts will review it, and a doctor will approve your form. However, the certificate will not be backdated. The date and day will not be changed.

Single-day certificate for carer’s leave

You must have been in a situation where you had to take urgent leave to look after your mom or brother, who just fell from the stairs. And e can guess that your recruiter would not have allowed for that. But now, with the help of a rusted instant script medical certificate, you can go. Quickly complete an online medical form, give your data and wait for a few minutes until a team of medical experts review your document. After that, you can get yours within seconds. Just know that these certificates cannot be backdated. The date and time cannot be changed.

Multiple-day certificate

If you have any relative who lives overseas and you need to visit them urgently, you would need to leave for a week at least. However, your boss may disagree with that. But now, a telehealth medical certificate can help you to get a leave for multiple days. You have to fill out an online form, which a team of our medical experts will review. After approval, you can get it within a few minutes. Please note that the date and time cannot be changed.

Medications through instant scripts

Instant scripts offer a wide range of medications for its clients. Almost every type of curable disease is covered. It provides online prescriptions for over 300 common drugs.

These medications include:

  • Contraceptive pill refills for women’s health.
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment.
  • Herpes treatment.
  • Cholesterol medication.
  • Antidepressants and SSRI medication.


As we come towards the end of our guide about doctor’s certificates online, we would like to leave a few remarks. Medical certificates these days are great for getting instant leave from work without delay. You no longer have to worry about your family member at your workplace.

Trust only instant script medical certificates as they are fast, secure, convenient and secured. The process is simple and approved by expert medical doctors. That was all about the medical certificates. If you have liked what you have read, share it with friends and family who would benefit from it.