What food is good for Cancer prevention


Weekdays 7 AM to 12 Midnight
Weekends 9 AM to 12 Midnight

Cancer Prevention

Cancer is a disease caused by the abnormal multiplication of body cells, alterations in DNA and genetic sequence being the primary culprit.

The abnormally divided cells outreach to different body parts, such as tissues and organs, leading to the formation of tumors.

The tumors can either being (they don’t spread to other parts of the body) or Malignant (metastases occur in this case; that is, they spread to different body parts), leading to distortion of a person’s usual way of living.


How is Cancer Related to Diet?

“unhealthy eating habits and improper diet” is the leading etiological factor.

Researchers stated that unhealthy eating habits cause cancer more than cancer caused by consumption of alcohol, obesity, and inactivity, which is living a static life without physical exercise.

Oncologists state that cancers of the prostate, uterine cancers, oral cancers, or of pharynx larynx, and digestive tract cancers are mostly related to the inclusion of higt fat and low fibre in the diet. Likewise, the consumption of alcohol other than healthy drinks leads to lung and liver cancers.

Food for Cancer Prevention

As per the statement, “ prevention is better than cure,” community oncologists prefer the fact that consumption of food that aids in preventing cancers sustains an average cell growth:

Hence food for prevention of cancer includes the one with a higher amount of fibers, antioxidant properties, and fewer fats/calories and are naturally packed with phytochemicals are beneficial in preventing cancers


Cruciferous vegetables

Vitamins (Vitamin A, Vitamin K, vitamin C) minerals such as folate and botanical compounds known as phytonutrients/phytochemicals, beta carotene reside in cruciferous vegetables that restrict cell mutation (abnormal division) and guard body cells from any unwanted digested food and harmful environment. These cruciferous vegetables emancipate such enzymes that help in the estrangement of cell walls.


Broccoli, when chewed, releases an enzyme named Sulphoraphane that detoxifies hazardous toxins; thus, it is advantageous in minimizing cancer risk.

  • cauliflower
  • cabbage
  • Brussels sprouts
  • bok choy
  • kale
  • Garlic

For diagnosis, your telehealth physician will guide you accordingly regarding the organ that you have to picture in ultrasound imaging. For example your telehealth doctor will ask you to stay hungry, i.e keep your stomach empty for an Ultrasound scan of the gallbladder, or in certain stance, drink plenty of water before carrying out an Ultrasound scan of pelvic region and forbid you to urinate until and unless the Ultrasound scan is obtained by the sonographer. 


Also, your telehealth physician will prescribe you whether you need to get a 3D Ultrasound or a 4D Ultrasound done. 

In the case of women, a 3D Ultrasound is the one that pictures the fetus in all three dimensions, i.e., width, height, and depth. 

A 4D Ultrasound is helpful enough in showing the movements in the form of a video (moving image).

Once you’re done with your ultrasound imaging, you can book your telehealth doctor and send your telehealth physician your ultrasound report online, who can help you interpret any abnormality present in the report, further helping you with your treatment requirements and prescription of medications if required.

Garlic helps in repairing DNA (DNA alterations in cancers).

It also has an element, Sodium, that, although a cause of foul oral odors. Still, it is the central element responsible for fighting the culprit bacteria (Helicobacter pylori is a bacteria that grows in an acidic environment, its favorite place being the stomach and leads to stomach cancers and ulcers).


Lycopene (red-hued carotenoid hydrocarbon antioxidant ) is present in tomatoes.

They help in antioxidation, prevent abnormal cell growth, and minimize cell damage, hence aiding in lessening cancer risk.

Cancer Fighting Food

The limitations to diet after you’re diagnosed with a disease are mandatory to be followed by every patient. After you’re diagnosed with cancer there are certain cancer fighting food that won’t completely eliminate the disease but would help in fighting off cancer.

They are as follows:

  • Turmeric
  • Berries
  • Beans
  • Olive Oil
  • Well cooked fish (salmon, mackerel, and anchovies)
  • Cinamon
  • Quinoa
  • Yogurt
  • Whole grain
  • Herbal Tea
  • Fresh Vegitable juice (mostly carrot juice)
  • Walnuts
  • Legumes ( lentils, beans, and peas )

Anti Cancer Fruits

  1. Citrus fruits like:
  2. Grape fruit
  3. Oranges
  4. Lemons

Citrus fruits have vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in suppressing the growth of tumors. They also comprise anti-mutagenic properties ( prevents mutagens from causing alterations in DNA, i.e., genetic changes) and antiproliferative property (lessens the rapid proliferation of cancerous cells).

  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries

these berries are naturally laden with ellagic acid. Ellagic acid moderates the growth of tumors to a favorable extent.


Dietary fibers are best in minimizing cancer risk; you must have heard of the statement “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” so apples have dietary fibers and polyphenols ( polyphenols aid in apoptosis of cancerous cells and limits the growth of tumors). Thus apples are beneficent in preventing cancers.

Cancer Treatment Food

What kind of food should a patient who is undergoing cancer treatment consume?

  1. Proteins ( that too plant-based)
  2. Carbohydrates
  3. Fats
  4. Vitamins and Minerals

Cancer patients usually undergo chemotherapy, the food that a patient should consume while undergoing chemotherapy:

  • Avocados
  • Eggs
  • Bread
  • Nuts
  • Oatmeal
  • Fresh Vegitables
  • Fruits
  • Fish
  • Cheese or Cereal

Food for Cancer Patients to Avoid

Food that might prove hazardous to cancer patients or the ones undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy and should be avoided by cancer patients in order to minimise the agony, cancer foods to avoid are as follows:

Dairy products that are unpasteurised

Unwashed fruits and Vegitables

(Usually, food is not well cooked (contains raw eggs), mostly uncooked eggs. Red meat (Raw means that it is not cooked properly)

Certain chemicals such as nitrites have convergence ability into cancer-causing chemicals such as N-Nitroso compounds; therefore, red, processed meat should be avoided by cancer patients.


Alcohol impedes the secretion of red blood cells and platelets. It also obstructs liver cells from correcting the damage and further deteriorates the condition of the liver (the liver is responsible for Filtration, Digestion, Metabolism, and Detoxification. consumption of alcohol interferes with the function of the liver and promotes the production of cancer cells)

Salted fish ( that is, raw fish, for example, sushi)

any food that is not cooked correctly increases the chances of bacteria ingestion. Also, it helps pack vast amounts of salt into the body) Sugary and chilled drinks


Miracle Food that Cures Cancer

  • Mushrooms
  • Cultured dairy products

Any fruits and vegetables that compromise a red and green hue, primarily tomatoes, green vegetables, and carrots.

Herbs and spices like oregano, turmeric, garlic, ginger, parsley, pepper, and thyme.

Oils ( that are uncultured mostly olive oil)


Anti Cancer Diet

Even if you’re not diagnosed with any disease yet a diet is always beneficial for a healthy living. Unfortunately if you’re diagnosed with cancer, Cancer prevention diet is essential to maintain your routine during cancer treatmen.

4 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables should be consumed by the patient during the day, while having herbals or green tea along, a snack in the evening that might have cheese or grapes with wheat can be consumed along ( whole grains satisfy the cravings for snacks and aids in fighting cancer )

Fish should be on the menu for dinner or well-cooked chicken or meat.

As food is considered body fuel, maintaining a healthy diet during cancer would allow your body to compensate for specific body requirements that are victim to side effects of chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It uplifts the body’s chances of survival, aids in tackling infections, and boosts energy levels.