Mental health is an essential component of the overall well-being of all individuals. It directly impacts our thinking, feelings, and actions. In today’s fast-paced world, mental health issues are becoming more common. In Australia, every 1 in 5 individuals suffers from a mental health disorder. Much effort is being put into addressing this issue. Programs are being developed to increase mental health awareness and encourage people to seek out professional help. Enhanced support networks and early intervention programs are also being offered.

What is a mental health care plan?

A mental health care plan (MHCP) is one of the main components of holistic mental health care. It is a document containing comprehensive information regarding a patient’s mental health illness and the management plan. Mental health treatment plan (MHTP) is a term used interchangeably with mental health care plan and refers to the same document.

It usually consists of the following components: 

The patient’s biographical data, like his full name, age, date of birth, contact number, address, etc.

History: A detailed history is mentioned in the mental health care plan. It includes the present complaints of the patient along with a detailed past and social history. A history of substance abuse or any past suicidal attempts is also included.

Diagnosis: Based on the clinical evaluation, a confirmed or presumptive diagnosis is made, and a further management plan is made accordingly.

Plan: Detailed information regarding the further management of patients is mentioned. It highlights the treatment objectives, which are agreed upon by the patient and the mental health team. Information regarding the advised lifestyle modifications, medications, and other treatment modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy is also mentioned in the plan.

Support services: details regarding the extra support services that you may access are also documented. Such services include the help of psychiatrists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, etc.

Crisis plan: A smart and detailed crisis plan to deal with mental health crisis situations like panic attacks or suicidal thoughts is made after discussion with the patient. It consists of self-coping strategies as well as emergency help services.

Follow up: A plan for further follow-ups is also written over it. Close monitoring of the patient’s condition is made, and any improvement or progression in the mental health illness is clearly mentioned in the management plan.

Why do you need a mental health care plan?

A mental health care plan is not just any document; instead, it is the core of your whole management plan. It contains all of the details relevant to your condition, thereby facilitating the whole mental health team to stay on one page and proceed coherently. It basically bridges gaps in service provision, promotes collaboration across sectors, and prioritizes prevention and early intervention. Additionally, it also helps patients financially, as they can apply for Medicare rebates based on this document. In Australia, under the Better Access initiative, Mental Health Care Plans can provide Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual and 10 group therapy sessions per calendar year for people with mental disorders.

Understanding the ‘gap amount’

A mental health care plan substantially reduces the cost of mental health care, but there may be some amount that the patient has to pay, known as the gap amount. Basically, the amount for each Medicare rebate is fixed, and the psychologist you are going to see may have a higher fee than the rebate. That additional fee is the gap amount, which you have to pay out of your pocket. So while choosing a psychologist, always ask about their fee and calculate the gap amount accordingly.

Eligibility for a mental health care plan:

To assess whether you are a candidate for a mental health plan, you need to book a consultation with your doctor. The doctor will evaluate you in detail for any mental health illness and to see whether a mental health care plan is going to be beneficial for you. Following are some of the conditions for which a mental health care plan is frequently used:

  1. Anxiety disorders
  2. Depression
  3. Panic disorders
  4. Phobias
  5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  6. Post-traumatic stress disorders.
  7. Eating disorders
  8. Adjustment disorders
  9. Schizophrenia
  10. Bipolar disorders
  11. Substance abuse disorders
  12. Sleep difficulties
  13. Bereavement disorders
  14. Attention deficit disorders
  15. Dissociative disorders.

How do I get a mental health care plan?

To get a mental health care plan. You need to book an appointment with a doctor. This can be done either through an actual visit to a doctor or with the help of telemedicine. Telemedicine offers an easy way to acquire a mental health care plan. It saves one from the hassle of traveling and long waiting times. Now, with the help of telemedicine, you can get your mental health care plan from the comfort of your home. All you have to do is reach out to a reliable platform like Telehealth Doctor, where we strictly follow state laws and provide high-quality health care services at affordable rates. We are offering a comprehensive mental healthcare plan tailored precisely to the needs of individual patients. You just have to visit our website and book an appointment with one of our doctors. Later, during the consultation, you can discuss all your issues and worries freely with our doctors. All of your information will be kept highly confidential. Together, you and our doctor can set goals and formulate a plan that suits you best. Your further referrals to psychologists or psychiatrists will also be decided based on your condition.The written mental health care plan will be available for you to download shortly after the online consultation.

Validity of a Mental Health Care Plan:

A mental healthcare plan is usually valid for one year. Afterwards, you may need to see your doctor again for a review and a new plan.

So book an appointment today with one of our doctors at Telehealth Doctor to get your own customized mental healthcare plan. Our team at Telehealth Doctor is always eager and available to help you in your journey towards peace and recovery.